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Every Child a Talker (ECat)

ECaT promotes the development of young children’s communication, speech and language skills by engaging with parents, families and adults working with children aged 0-5.


Language and communication provide the tools for success for children throughout their lives. As adults whether parents or practitioners we have a vital role to play in ensuring children develop these skills.

Children with language delay can have significant difficulties later on, particularly with reading and writing. ECAT is intended to help you give children the right support to reduce the chances of this happening.

For more information, please visit Kent Every Child a Talker

We have a Every Child a Talker section on our notice board which has idea's for different activities that you might like to do with your child at home. You can borrow a game, take Rosie our teddy or Charlie Monkey home with you.

We learn new makaton signs weekly with the children and these are displayed on the notice board.



All the children take part in the termly ECAT nursery rhyme challenge, we learn three nursery rhymes a term, which are put on to your child's Tapestry account to view. 

We would appreciate you helping your child/ren to learn these nursery rhymes at home.

The children will be presented with a certificate at the end of every year.                                                                                                   


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